Sunday, April 4, 2010

Synth Alternative OS

There was a thread on Analog Heaven where someone suggested coming up with a list of alternative synth OS's. These are some of the suggestions and few that I've heard of. I'll update this post as I find more. Is there anything I missed?

Korg Poly-800 - Hawk-800 and AtomaHawk
Rhodes Chroma - CC+
Roland JX-3P - MIDI upgrade (not currently available)
Sequential Circuits Pro-One - Replacement CPU (under development)
Yamaha DX7, DX7II - Grey Matter E! (no longer available)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weezer remix

I made a Weezer remix for a competition they're doing. I went for an ABBA-esque feel. There's some ABBA homages in the synth parts if you listen carefully. I didn't use analog synths (or record any instruments) for this. I did however get to show off my midi keyboard drum skills. Hope you like it.